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Review: Shaving Your Face

Since my last blog post I have taken the dive and shaved my face!

Here is a little tutorial on how to shave your face, and some before and after pictures. I also wanted to take the time to share my experience. I definitely have mixed reviews.

The razors I used were from Sally Beauty Supply. They are the Touch n’ Brow razor and are about $1.50 each.

This is my face before with all the wonderful peach fuzz!

Step 1:

Before I shaved a washed my face and made sure is nice a clean and a little damp.

Step 2:

I used short strokes in a downward motion while holding my skin taught.

You can see all the hair coming off my face!

Step 3:

Make sure to get your eyebrows! But be careful! The razors are really sharp. I accidently shaved off some of my eyebrow! Yikes!!

You can see how fuzz free my face is.

There were some issues I ran in to. I have little bumps on my face, especially on my forehead. When I shaved it cut off the bumps and began to bleed. Not the best!

So, that was my first attempt at shaving. It did not go as well as I had hoped. If you have any bumps or moles or pimples AVOID those areas! The razor WILL cut these off and they WILL bleed! My face was very smooth and felt pretty nice, but even after moisturizing it was red and irritated looking. I would recommend doing this a few days before a big event. It took about a week for all my nicks to clear up.

I wanted to try shaving again. Even though I was a little discouraged, I didn’t want to give up on it just yet. Plus, I knew what to avoid, and had an idea on how to make it better.

For my second attempt I decided to use a shaving butter. I happened to have a free sample from the Dollar Shave Club. I liked it because it is clear, so you can see what you're doing, and it goes on in a thin layer, so it doesn't clog up your razor too much.

Here is a picture of before I shaved. It was exactly one week since my last shave. My hair wasn’t any thicker or darker. My face still felt smooth and soft.

Using the shave butter was much better! I didn’t have nearly as many knicks. After I was done my face felt really soft and moisturized. It wasn’t red or irritated this time.

So, what’s my conclusion on shaving? I think I will continue to do it, but not every week. Maybe once a month will be good. I had a pretty rough start and wasn’t sure I would want to continue, but after the second go around I had a much better experience. I have noticed a pretty big difference with makeup. My face looks a lot smoother. Makeup goes on much better.

I do think it’s something worth trying. Everyone is going to have a different experience, but hopefully I have given some insight on what not to do or what can make it better.

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