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5 ways to give locally on Giving Tuesday!

After seeing our current events and their reflection on social media, we can get down and weary about the condition of the world today. We forget what this Christmas season is really about a reminder that giving is better than getting, that is giving to those in need.

We should give year round, especially to those who are in constant need, however, with this season approaching let us remember and continue the act of giving. After being thankful with our families and getting some deals online and in stores, it is time to give back.

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Whether we give money, time, or things, it is important to practice gratitude. “Practicing gratitude protects us from our own pettiness and smallness and keeps us centered in the joy and abundance of our own life” (Adele 128)

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As a child, we were always taught that given was better than receiving gifts. Our parents instilled in us the gift of giving. Christmas mornings in our house were not about us opening all of the gifts we had received, before we even looked at our gifts we were all piled into vans headed to Anapra to give to children that had very little. I am grateful that my parents did this for us, because we grew up always wanting to give to those who are not as fortunate as us. I am thankful for this lesson and think it is important enough to write an article about it.

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Here are some great ways to give back to our community.

Blankets for the Homeless- Casa de Yoga (Jaime Chin & Mia Asam, instructors) and Mystique are teaming off to be dropping off points for Blankets and warm clothes that will be given to homeless people. Be on the look out for update about delivering blankets. Message Mystique's facebook page for more details. You can drop off new or gently used blankets or clothes at:

Casa de Yoga West -2419 Stanton Casa de Yoga East -11660 Montwood Suite M EPCC Rio Grande Writing Center 100 W. Rio Grande A-112.

Clothes and Toys for Border Children- EPCC Recycling Program

Drop off locations are all the EPCC campus Libraries and Northwest’s Campus Cashier’s office.You can visit their facebook page for more details.

image by Myra Cordero, EPCC Recycling Coordinator.

Children’s Home Merry Christmas – Rancho Los Amigos You can pick up cards at various location or visit their facebook page or website to find ways to give to a child in need.

(This is a card we picked up, but call them for more children in need!)

Ft. Bliss Operation Santa Clause- Toys given to low income military families. For more information about Ft. Bliss's Operation Santa Clause click here

Toys can be donated at local fire stations throughout El Paso Monetary donations can be given by checks made out to Operation Santa Claus and mailed to P.O. Box 16270, Fort Bliss, TX 79906.

Sgt. Robert Schlosser, Master Resilience Trainer at the Ready and Resilient Center, Fort Bliss Garrison, works on a bicycle at the Operation Santa Claus warehouse in Bldg. 1123 Baldwin Road Oct. 16. Photos by Wendy Brown, Fort Bliss Bugle Staff.

Adopt a furry friend- Give a second change to a pet that has been abandoned or mistreated. Here are some links for organizations in town:

Reindeer Kenshi, adopted kitty. Photo by Mia Asam

Works Cited:

Adele, Deborah. The Yamas and Niyamas. Duluth, Minnesota: On-Word Bound Books, LLC., 2009. Print

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