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Amy Schumer and Her (Almost) Nude Photo

As I was scrolling through Facebook last night I came across an article about Amy Schumer and a picture of her half-naked. Curious, I clicked on it and was impressed. She actually posted a shot of herself on twitter with the caption “Beautiful, gross, strong, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, sexy, disgusting, flawless, woman. Thank you @annieleibovitz”.

I personally don’t find seeing a woman’s naked body gross or controversial, but despite this many others do. So when I saw the photo I was immediately anxious about continuing to the comment section, anticipating rude and nasty feedback.

But much to my surprise the majority was positive. I scrolled through as many comments on her actual twitter feed as I could, I looked up other articles about this subject and the majority is positive or neutral.

Thank goodness!!! A woman could actually show her body without getting completely slammed down. That’s not to say there weren’t some rude articles or comments. I came across one from with quotes like “Sometimes she looks alright... In the right clothes she can be kind of attractive, in the nude she looks pretty disgusting.” And similar tweets like:

But on the whole comments were like this.

Let me be clear, I disprove of comments saying “This is what a REAL WOMAN looks like.”, because I did see quite a few remarks like that. This is not what this moment should be about! Are the super thin models you see not real women? Women come in all different forms: tall, short, thin, chubby, straight, curvy, etc. Fighting amongst ourselves isn’t going to help anybody.

I say good for Amy Schumer, it’s nice to see a woman confident and happy in her own skin. It’s nice for women to be able to look at a female celebrity and see that more body shapes and sizes are being accepted and celebrated.

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