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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Concerned About the Senate Voting to Defund Planned Parenthood

If you haven't heard yet, the Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood on Thursday. On the bright side, President Obama has promised to veto it. No big deal, then right?

Wrong! Here's what this means:

1. The Senate is sending a message

The Senate knew that President Obama would veto the defundment of Planned Parenthood, no doubt. So what's the point of voting for that in which they know will not make it through? Well, it's important for their resumes if you will. They want it to be seen clearly by the American people that they do not approve of abortions and they did everything they could to fight abortions.

Just to be clear, whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, you should still support Planned Parenthood especially if you are a woman. Why? Because they do far more than just provide abortions. In fact, abortions only account for 3% of the services they offer. So if you are pro-life but all about women receiving affordable and (key word) PROPER HEALTH care, then you should be supporting Planned Parenthood.

2. They don't necessarily condemn people like Robert L. Dear

This defundment only comes days after a shooting at Planned Parenthood that killed three and injured nine! Coincidence? Maybe...but none the less, they are doing more to defund an organization that offers proper women's healthcare than they are in preventing mass shootings like this. They're not discussing about how we can prevent shootings like what happened in San Bernadino. They're not discussing of how they can help women achieve better AND SAFER reproductive health and stopping people like Dear. They're discussing ways to prevent women from achieving proper health care.

3. They don't care about representing what the American people actually want

We have elections because we want to vote for people who properly represent us. We vote for them becuase we put our trust in them in following through with what the American people really want, even if it goes against their own convictions. They made a vow to represent the American people. However, if this were the case, the issues of funding or defunding Planned Parenthood would not even be on the table. In fact, "the organization was viewed more favorably than any other political entity" according NBC/WSJ when they polled 1,000 American adults over cell phones and land lines using live interviewers from September 20 through September 24.

There are many arguments for defunding planned parenthood, most of them, I've already heard. The main one being:

"We can put the money we use for Planned Parenthood for women's health clinics that do not offer abortion."

Well, we already have good solid proof of why that would not work in women's favor: Florida Governer Jeb Bush. He already defunded Planned Parenthood in his state and we already have results of what that would do for women's health: AWFUL THINGS! Not only is it harder for women to get proper healthcare, but their health in general declined tremendously! It needs to be understood, women need WOMEN'S HEALTCHARE! It's not as simpy as going in for a basic physical. There are certain things women need to make sure everything is running properly!

Planned Parenthood offers that healthcare. Defunding Planned Parenthood was indeed successful in preventing women from obtaining SAFE ABORTIONS, but it was not successful in providing proper health care for women.

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