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Guess Who's Coming Back to Gilmore Girls

I'm not sure if everybody is on my wave length when it comes to Gilmore Girls. But I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS! Gifs for days!!!

Okay, okay, so if you're still reading, I imagine you are a fan. And by now you know Netflix is renewing Gilmore Girls for a season that will consist of four 90-minute long episodes that represent each of the seasons (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring). And so far, we have a lot of great people coming back.

But for me personally, I am absolutely thrilled that Milo Ventimiglia would be reprising his role as Jess Mariano.

I am so giddy right now, it's ridiculous!

Jess for me was my favorite of Rory's boyfriends, and my fantasy ending (before the renewal) consisted of Jess and Rory seeing each other on the road, and them supporting each other with their dreams and pushing each other. ::sigh::

Plus, he was major major eye candy for me. Crooked smile and all!

Let us know what you're most excited about with the new episodes in the comments here or on Facebook and win a $25 Gift Card. You have until February 19! Excited to hear yalls opinions!

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