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“If it’s a broken heart, then face it”

“If it’s a broken heart, then face it”

Getting over someone is hard, but getting over every aspect of the relationship is even harder. It’s like missing the coffee but not the mug that you drank it out of.

Let me explain. I got out of a long term relationship a couple months ago and there are still things about the relationship that I miss. Like eating with company ninety five percent of the time and the comfort of coming home to someone who wanted to see me just as much as I did, hell even being able to fart in the presence of my significant other meant the world to me .

It’s the things about the relationship and not so much the qualities of the person I was with. I don’t look back and miss the things that I once fell deeply in love and yes, it’s sad.

But to be honest, I dug myself out of a scary hole that those person’s qualities buried me in. I think it’s okay to miss the world that I was capable of building with a person while it was good. When it was good, it was great. This world that I helped built, the relationship, it was like a delicate and fragile flower and as cheesy as that sounds, it is the best way to describe it because I helped nurse this specific world with laughter, tears, songs, nature but most importantly, with myself.

The most vulnerable parts of myself held the world together like gravity. With the gravity, came the trust and soared over it like the clouds. So of course, I miss the relationship. And I think it’s okay. If you ever find yourself in this situation, breathe and with time, this world fades to nothing but good memories. I look back now and find myself smiling because I now know that a different world lies in my future and I will nurse it with the same care and love.

(Title quote from ‘Details in the Fabric’ by Jason Mraz)

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